Acupuncture Marketing School Podcast Review

Name of the Podcast

Acupuncture Marketing School Podcast by Michelle Grasek 


podcast review


If you want to learn acupuncture marketing from an acupuncturist, you are at the right place. Michelle Grasek is  an acupuncturist who has successful practice and teaches her fellow acupuncturist on marketing. 

If you hesitate about marketing, this will be a podcast for you to dip your toe in. Michelle’s way is not pushy, not sleazy. She guides you to find what you are comfortable and consistently doing. 


  • Acupuncture Marketing School is a biweekly podcast
  • Most episodes last around 30 minutes
  • Currently most of the episodes are Michelle’s solo show. She has not yet invited many guest speakers. 

What Topics Covered

  • Find your why in marketing
  • Basic rule of thumbs in marketing
  • Different platforms/social media overview and tips
    • Instagram
    • Pinterest
    • Google Review
  • How to build your website with marketing intention
  • Build a strong acupuncture business  
  • Email marketing for acupuncture practice 

Pros and Cons


  • She is an acupuncturist

There are many digital marketing experts who will share and teach digital marketing. What makes Michelle’s show unique is that she is an acupuncturist. 

She has been through acupuncture school, board exam, building an acupuncture practice.

She is in the same trench as you do. So she understands the business and the challenges. 


  • She has plenty of hands on experience in everything she shares

If you want tried and true marketing advice, Michelle is the go to person. For all the marketing or acupuncture business advice she shares in the podcast, she tried them before. 

Therefore, she knows what works and what to avoid, especially for fellow acupuncturists. 


  • She emphasizes the right mindset

This is almost as important as she is an acupuncturist herself. Many digital marketing experts might have excellent track records in running digital marketing. Their podcasts or blog would focus on more of the how. Less of the why. 

Michelle’s podcast stands out because she emphasizes on the correct mindset of marketing in almost every episode.

If you have concerns about marketing, her podcasts will share why marketing is great for your business. 

Marketing is not bothering people. Marketing is simply letting people understand your practice. Further it will lead to more appointments and successful practice. 

  • She encourages you to find your own rhythm

Michelle does not stop at the right marketing mindset. She encourages you to find your own rhythm to have consistency. 

There are many “best practices” in digital marketing, such as you need to post at a certain frequency etc. 

Those are valid pieces of advice. But most importantly, will you be able to keep up with one post a day on Instagram? 

Michelle encourages you to find the right social media and at a  frequency you can consistently show up. 

Some social media experts would tell you to jump on the newest platform or tools. Which might be valid. 

If you are comfortable doing so, great. 

If not, find your own pace and consistently show up. That’s the key to success and that’s what Michelle always emphasizes on her podcast.


  • Her in depth sharing might feels overwhelming if you are completely new to marketing

Michelle goes deep in most of the episodes. If you are completely new to the idea she is sharing, you might feel a bit overwhelmed as it might seem a lot to get started. 

Given she is very gentle and very understanding in acupuncture practice, this is really a very small con if you want to learn marketing. 

  • You might feel overwhelmed for more to do to make your practice successful

There are many aspects to be taken care of to run a successful acupuncture practice. If you are already overwhelmed, marketing might not be on the top of your list to tackle. 

My advice on this is just listen to her podcast. Let this concept sink in. When you are ready, choose one social media, or just one area, such as email marketing or your own website, to get started. 

Don’t do everything at the beginning. It will be easier to get results.


If you are looking for highly specialized digital marketing podcasts for acupuncturists or traditional Chinese medicine practitioners, I would say I really did not know any other alternatives.

If you are open to advice on specific social media or platforms, the following two alternatives are for people who are looking for more general advice. 

It is a weekly podcast hosted by Kate Ahl. Kate runs a digital marketing agency focused on Pinterest traffic. Kate would invite other Pinterst experts or some of her clients to share their experience. 

She also has an evergreen content calendar for you to plan out your pins. If you want to deep dive into Pinterst, she would be a great resource for you. 


If you want to focus on Instagram, I would recommend Daniel Hill’s podcasts. He has two podcasts. One is a 3-5 minute daily show to provide the update on Instagram. The other is a 30-60 minute biweekly show.

Daniel will invite experts in Instagram marketing or some influencers to share how they build their audience on Instagram. 


I would highly recommend any acupuncturists and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners listen to Acupuncture Marketing School by Michelle Grasek, no matter if you are ready to take on marketing or not. 

If you are new to digital marketing, Michelle’s emphasis on mindset  will help you think about marketing in a healthy way. 

If you are ready to deep dive into a certain aspect of marketing, Michell’s hands-on experience in both running acupuncture practice and marketing  will give you the tried and true best practice. You will save a lot of time by trying things out yourself. 

podcast review recommendation


As an avid podcast listener, I listen to 20+ shows in a week. The recommendation above is based on personal experience and preference. I am not affiliated with any of the podcasts mentioned above.